Book On-Line Book

On-Line Book

Author David A. Warner presents over three hundred pages of his personal biography in out-of-body experience and research. A multimedia on-line book where readers can comment, interact with real-time discussion.

WebSite InvisibleLight Web Site

Web Site

Invisible Light Web Site content will always remain free. The on-line book utilizes the web site for reference. Over 60 hours of audio obe journals. Video experiements, documented statistics and research.



The on-line conference room brings the readers together and to take part in remote learning of Invisible Light's teachings. Audio,Video, and Text chat is accessible for learning tools to be used during discussion.

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Subscribe to David A. Warner's InvisibleLight Book Teachings. Interact with the author and learn about out-of-body experiences and David's biography of his life, work, research and spiritual journey.